Happy Birthday NATHAN!!!

Nathan had an incredible year being 30. He lived it to the fullest and accomplished great things. Most importantly he did it by bringing so much joy and laughter to everyone that came his way! I'll just be honest he may be one of the most incredible men that has ever lived and here is why.
This is him on his first day to ever go to court. I was so excited that I wanted to take pictures. This is the pose he struck. When he got to court he was really nervous so when he stood up in front of the judge to make his plea he apologized for being nervous, saying it was his first time in court and then cracks a joke. He says that his wife was so excited and proud of him going to court that she was taking pictures of him like he was a little kid going off to his first day of kinder garden. This made the judge laugh real good. So yes he won his plea and the judge told him to tell me that he did a really great job.
We are driving home from the cabin and Nathan says Polly look over here!!!! and this is what I saw. Him in my moms big floppy hat. That was really funny.
All kids love him not just my nieces and nephews. He some how attracts them because he is a big kid himself and that what is so great about him. Which reminds me of the time we were eating at this restaurant having a great conversation then all this sudden he pulls off a piece of cilantro from his plate and sticks it on his front tooth and smiles. OH goodness that was was funny
He plays so hard with the kids. Something I never have to worry about is him always wanting to be with and play with our kids.
Oh yes he struck this pose too!
Now what is really impressive is Nathan took three bars and he passed them all. What is more impressive is that he doesn't show his stress. If that had been me I would have been crying every day. I cried over high school math so a bar would have been an impossible feet for me. This makes me even more proud and amazed!
Nathan loves nature and adventure and I love this about him. We see and do so many fun things. The only thing is Nathan is always wanting us to go out in the wilderness and just find our way and survive off the land kind of like Man verses wild. I just don't have that in me. I prefer Nathan to be the only bear I ever come in contact with. The nice cuddly kind, not the mean or ferocious kind.
Happy Happy Birthday Nathan! You are my world and mean the world to me!

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