Summer's Best Memories

This summer was so much fun and sadly it passed by to fast. I never want the summer to end but looking back on it, it was one of the best summers. Here are just a few of the top moments of summer 2011.
This picture warms my heart and brings great joy to me. Unfortunately Annie and Chad were in a very serious roll over accident this summer that was life threatening. I will never forget arriving at the hospital to see them and the overwhelming emotions that I felt. It was surreal to think that they had been blessed and saved by the Lord when easily things could have gone so differently. And the true miracle was not only their lives being saved but that their precious girls came away from that terrible wreck with out one scratch on their bodies. Seeing the people I love go through this really made me appreciate even more the gift of life and the lives of those I love.
This summer Sarah and her kids came down for a month and I loved having them here. I wish so badly they lived here. I enjoyed every second they were here and could not get enough of all the sweet Passey kids. This is one of my favorite pictures I took of Abbie holding Molly. When I look at this picture I can't get over how precious Molly is.
When all my family was here for the summer I put together a temple day. This was a very special day for me because I had 75 names from the Seitter line that I had found to do work for. Seitter is my middle and my grandmas maiden name.This name and means a lot to me. I have felt a great sense of responsibility and duty to do the work for that line. That day at the temple we did baptisms, confirmations, initiatory and endowment. The feelings I felt on that day were incredible and so special. It is amazing when you put your time and heart into genealogy work how the temple and your ancestors begin to take on a new level of meaning, understanding, and great significance and blessing in your life.
This was a hug highlight of the summer! My sweet father always has something up his sleeve and this time it was nothing short of greatness! What Lorilynn is holding in the picture is the Sisterhood of the traveling bracelet. Who's great idea was this? Well my dads of course. Lets back track a little bit. So my dad decided to take us to get some jewelry but he wanted it to be extra special so he went into Gertrude Zachary and asked if he could bring all us girls after the store had closed so we could have the whole store to our selves. Now my dad has a way with people and people just like him so they said yes!!! So we all got in a mustang and drove over there. When we walked in it was like something out of a movie. All of us girls were so excited. So as we shopped we came upon the bracelet boo is holding and we all admired it so that is when my dad made that very awesome proposal of what that bracelet would be called and how it could belong to all of us. We had the best time and it is definitely one of those things you will never forget. After ward we went and ate at Frontier which was the perfect ending to our perfect night. I am so grateful for my sweet father who fills our lives with great excitement!

Every summer we go up to the Cabin for pioneer days. I always look forward to this. We like to run the 5k together that is held in Manassa. It was so much fun to be able to do that with my siblings.
When ever we get the chance we love to hike up to Conejos peak. It is beautiful beyond description and it fills you with the greatest peace, amazement and love for the beautiful things our Lord has created.

This year Boo did a float for our family to take through the Manasas pioneer parade. She always does such a great job and I love that she has created something so memorable for our family. This year I got to ride on the float with all this kids and I LOVED IT! Now, even though we may not have had the most professional looking float our float rocked because the kids made it amazing. Our float was the only one with lowed music and all the kids were dancing so hard! It was the cutest thing ever. Seeing the crowd and how they reacted to our float was awesome.We had so many people in the crowd that started dancing when our float came around! Being on the float made want to freeze all the grand kids as they are and just hold onto this moment in our lives for as long as I could. I dread the day they will get to cool and maybe not want to be dancing up on a float any longer. Little kids are the best ever.

This is Gladys and she is an amazing story teller. My parents came upon her on their church history tour at a museum. She was telling her stories and they fell in in the love with the way she could tell her stories. My parents really wanted us to meet her so they flew her out so she could perform for our family. This night was so special and so much fun. The kids were mesmerized by her. I have to say she was amazing and I enjoyed every minute of her performance. In the picture below this one she had us all do this crazy dance and it was FUNNY. She also had me Dave and Chad do this crazy chicken type dance and people couldn't get over Dave's great performance. Little did some us know in the family that Dave can be the biggest goof ball of all. We all got a kick out to that. This summer we also had the privilege of meeting a beautiful Amish family and being able to spend some time with them. My father loves meeting people and making new freinds. He has become very good freinds with the Amish that live in Manassa. They are building him a barn and the barn is amazing. So he is officially in with he Amish and decided we all had to meet them so he picked them up and brought them to our house for the weekend.They are incredible people and I am amazed at how good their kids are, Shocked really. Sadly they do not do pictures so you will just have to imagine this perfect little Amish family with matching home-aide clothes, the women in bonnets and the men with bowl cut hair dews and straw hats, with humble beautiful faces.

Four wheeling is always a high light of the summer. This is one of our favorites activities that we do as a family.
I love looking back on this picture because this night 3 grown professional men became boys hunting for a mouse. You should have seen them! I am laughing now just thinking about it. They got so into it and were so determined to catch that mouse in the cabin. After they had caught it they were all so proud of them selves!!

It's a girls night!!!! I took the girls out and Nathan took the boys and we had the best time. When all those girls get together it gets very fun and crazy. My favorite moment of the night was when we were in the car blasting the radio and having all the girls singing "tonight tonight there's a party on the roof top top of the world!"

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