The Great Law School Reunion/ Colorado/ Antelope Canyon and Paige Arizona

Nathan and I were able to go to some great places this past month and meet up with our great friends that we made during law school. The trips were amazing, we saw incredible things and had the most perfect weekend with our friends. This is how it went.

Nathan and I were able to go to the Cabin in Colorado for the weekend. It was so nice being there. We love the cabin so much. We did a lot of hiking and playing games. It was the perfect weekend. As you can see the beatiful picture of the Quakie tree's, they are my favorite.

This is the beast that we rode in to get to the Antelope Canyon. You got thrown around a lot which made it really fun. We were really excited to see this canyon because it is the most photographed canyon in the US and it lived up to all our expectations. The canyon was so incredible and unlike any thing I had ever seen. It blew us away to say the least. When we go back we will definitely go for the longer tour because the one hour tour just wasn't long enough.


This is my favorite picture of the Canyon, it is called the spindle.

This picture is in Paige Arizona, it is called the horse shoe canyon. This was so magnificent, just look at, it is beautiful!

Here we are onto the reunion! The moment I saw all of our friends it was though time had never passed. The weekend that we spent together only solidified our friendships and our love for one another. Seeing all the guys together again was so great. Wow when they get together.... even I am not sure what happens, but it becomes this crazy, loud, combustion of constant jokes and laughter. It is like they had gone to Marmot heaven or something. Any way, our perfect weekend consisted of staying up to 2 or 3 in the morning every night. Eating at the most random times of the day, hanging out at the pool, playing games, the boys playing tons of sports(they couldn't get enough of that) girls days out and a few hilarious top weekend moments. Like when we were playing the newly wed game and the couples had to write down what their song was and Tyson put Emminem and Rianna's song, you know the one where he loves her and hates her. HMMMM that was funny. Or how Brett told us the story of him waking up Michelle in the middle of the night after he had just downed another bowl of ice cream and confessed to her that he has a serious ice cream addiction and that he needs help. Well you get the picture, the weekend was full of great conversation, lots of laughter and so many great memories created.

OK I love this picture and every time I see it I laugh. Come on, what guys do you know just all hang out together in the pool? That is true brotherhood right there.

While the guys played golf we went to Cafe Rio and shopping. That was a good time!

This is at our Condo that we stayed at. We spent a lot of time there just hanging out and having a great time.

Nathan and I had to go to Costco to get some food and right when I walked in I saw who I thought was Greg Olsen just sitting in front of his paintings doodling on some paper. So I went up to him and asked him if He was Greg Olsen, which he was! I cannot tell you how excited I was to meet him. He is one of my favorite LDS artists and his depiction of Christ in his painting "The Gentle Healer" is my favorite one of Christ. I told him all these things and got all teary eyed while doing it. I just couldn't believe that I was able to meet the man whose paintings have touched me so profoundly and really inspired me! I was also really confused to why no one really seemed to care that he was there. It was like it was so normal or something, or maybe people honestly didn't know who he was. So of course I had to buy a picture and he signed it to Nathan and I. His handwriting by the way is so perfect!

Here we are, I am so happy. Greg Olsen by the way was such a ,loving man. As I was walking out of costco, literally tears of joy came down my face because I felt so honored to meet such a great man. Ahh what a beautiful moment.

The girls went to Zumba in the morning, then to get pedicures. We had such a great time. The guys golfed on this really beautiful course.

I love this picture of the guys. Levi took this with his phone. Good job Levi!

Our last night together we went to eat at the River Walk grill. It over looked a beautiful golf course. The night could not have been more perfect. The food was great, the night and sky were beautiful and the company was the best!

Here is to all our great friends! Unfortunately Bryce and Paige were missing, but we hope they will be there next year because it was not the same with out them. The memories created on the trip will just add to all the memories we have already created with each other over Law School. And our friendships will only continue to grow. You all mean the world to me and I feel blessed to know you all and to call you my dear freinds. Until next year!

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