The Holidays Part 1

Here we go a little late, but better late than never. Our holiday season was incredible. We were able to do so many great and memorable things together, and with our family and freinds. The only downfall to the season was that I was stricken down with the flu from H E double hockey sicks. It lasted way to long almost 3 weeks to be precise but despite that everything was so wonderful. We went to Utah and had the greatest time. We went sledding,Nathan went snowmobiling with out me due to my nasty flu, and we went Christmas tree hunting where I found the perfect tree.

Seeing the lights on temple square brings back so many great memories of when we were married. The lights as always were beautiful.

A little insert here of Tacos El Paisa, got my pictures a little jumbled. So the dirty taco truck on the side of the road in Salt lake that Nathan can't get enough of I finally embraced. I always said that Nathan would get food poisoning from that truck. He never did so I decided to try it. Nathan was so proud that he had to document this major break through in my life. And well it was Amazing, with a capital A.

Here are our friends LJ and Ashley. Now, these two made our dreams come true. Driving up to Utah we were sad because we did not have tickets to the Christmas concert with David Archuleta and the Motab.( An important note is that these thickets are almost impossible to get) All that was about change when LJ called us and said he had two extra tickets. If he could have only seen our reaction. We thought he was joking. But this was for real and the concert was everything and more that we hoped it would be. We had a great night with LJ and Ashley looking at the lights and eating at Tucanos at 10 at night. A big shout out, of the greatest thanks for making our dreams come true, goes to Ashley and LJ.

The conference center was magnificent.

We went to the Carl Bloch art display at BYU. He is a famous painter from Denmark. BYU was some how able to get numerous original paintings that are in chapels in Europe for this art exhibit. The whole process of making this come to reality took ten years. I have to say that walking though this and seeing the paintings blew me and Nathan away. We had many spiritual experiences and will never forget this. If you are in Utah or are going you must go see this.

We were able to see our friends Levi and Becca from law school. It was so wonderful seeing them and spending time with them. We miss you guys so much!

These beautiful girls are the girls that became my freinds when I moved up to Utah. I moved there with no freinds and not knowing anyone. They came to my rescue and befriended me and we had some great times together. I was so wonderful and exciting seeing all of you!

This picturesque halo was what Nathan witnessed snowmobiling. When I saw the picture I couldn't believe it. He said it was unbelievable. When I see things like this the first thing I think of is how magnificent the Lord is and how blessed I am to live on this earth. Nathan had a blast snowmobiling, how I wish I was there.

This is our family's designated sledding hill. It is a great hill, we had so much fun.

Here we are Christmas tree hunting. Any time Papa is around you can bet the twins are on his lap. We hunted for trees, roasted hot dogs, ate snow, had snow ball fights and best of all found my Christmas tree that had been dreaming about. This is how it went. I told my family that I was not coming home until I had my 18 foot tall Christmas tree. They all thought I was crazy, my mother kept telling there was no way she was putting that things up in her house and decorating it. All in all my only devout supporter was my Dad and Nathan( although he was a little hot and cold). And well, of course that was the case because he is the one that has always taught me to dream big. My mother often says "well you know that Polly is Lanes daughter". She likes big over the top things and likes to drive fast cars and any kind of nice machines really. I'm getting off point here, but keep reading.

Here it started on a beautiful, serene day. I had to go and find what my heart desired most.

My sweet Nathan by my side despite thinking this was all a little crazy. By this time we had been searching for a good 45 minutes.

Yearning for my tree. "Oh Christmas Tree Where art Thou?"

And then right before me I saw it and new it was the one. "I SEE YOU"(from Avatar)

Then the light shown upon it and I knew that it was meant to be.

"Nathan this is it, get in there and cut it down. You can do it." "Polly, ya right this tree is like 25 feet tall and probably weighs a good 300 pounds." "Nathan I don't care just do it, you can do this I promise." The entire time he was cutting it down I had to keep motivating him because it was hard work and he was sweating bullets.
Low and behold he conquered that tree and we were both so happy. Chad told us good luck with carrying that thing down the mountain. He didn't think we could do it. But we did it. We hoisted that tree up and carried it down the mountain. And trust me freinds this was no small feat.

We got the tree in the house and it touched the ceiling and it was perfect.
The final masterpiece after it was decorated. I love this tree so much that I still havent taken it down. I just can't seem to part with it. I need at least to the end of January with it. This tree brought so many so much joy. The End.


  1. OH are SO cute. Such a big dreamer. That's how a girl really makes things happen....and you always do:) As for the taco stands, my brother Kevin SWEARS by them, and got me into them in California. Talk about authentic, super healthy Mexican food. I LOVE them. And never once have I gotten sick. Love you, beautiful girl. So sorry you were sick over Christmas!

  2. This particular post was soo incredible and truly warmed my heart!!! I'm sooo glad you came to our family Polly...for without you our lives just wouldn't be the same!
