Nathan Graduates Law School

I am blogging in a hurry, so here we go. 1)Wow what an accomplishment for Nathan. He has brought me so much happiness and I couldn't be more thankful or proud. 2) We are so grateful for all of the family who supported us. Thanks to all the family and friends who came to his graduation and gave Him such generous gifts. He will be buying a tv with that money. He talks about it everyday with me, he is so excited he can barely contain himself. 3) Graduation day was awesome, we went to the park with friends and out to eat at PF changs. It couldn't have been a better day.4) To our dear friends, you brought so much happiness into our lives and made our law school experience truly unique and special. What a blessing to have so many great friends. We are missing you all.5) Nathans brotherhood that he created with all the guys was really special. I hope the Marmots will always live on!6) Nathan and I took a few days after graduation and spent a few days in Utah. It was wonderful being able to see some friends and go to the Salt lake Temple. Ok Yes I got a little carried away with taking pics of the temple. But do you blame me. We also hiked to the hole in the rock in Moab. That was awesome! 7) Driving into Albuquerque was to good. I believe I had tears of joy running down my face when I was taking this. Yes That is old blue with Nathan driving. OK so I was taking pics while I was driving. Completely reckless I know but I couldn't pass up on documenting on of the most important days of my life....coming home.


  1. Love the Seahawks hat Polly!!!!! I just hope they can keep their team out of jail long enough to play some games.

  2. Looks like you made a lot of great friends and had fun in Utah to bad you didn't have more time. we could have met up. So lucky your going home.

  3. Congratulations! I can't beleive he is already done! It seems like you guys just left. (Although I'm sure you felt every minute of the pains of law school!) Thanks for commenting on my blog. It lead me to your blog so now I can keep up with you!!
