Good bye Spokane Hello Albuquerque

Our time in Spokane couldn't have been better. We had so many great experiences and were so grateful for all the dear friends we made. There were so many things we loved about being there and here are a few.

Our great friends Adam and Dirk. We love them and were so grateful for Adams generosity. He was constantly taking us out to eat and to the movies and also he would take Nathan out to lunch at least twice a week. No we didn't just love him because he bought us stuff. He is our very loyal, funny friend, who makes us laugh like crazy.

Girls nights out. I loved these nights and loved knowing and spending time with so many great women.

Bull and Pitcher.Here are some of the great friends we made. We love them and had so many great times with them. We came here often and would have barbecues and just hang out.

Our Halloween Parties. Becca started this tradition and we had some great times!

NIIICE! That ones-y looks really hot on Nathan. Just to let everyone know those are lobsters on his ones-y.

Pig out in the Park. Every august Spokane held this great event and we would go and pig out. Well, I would watch Nathan pig out because I couldn't eat any of those foods with out getting sick.

Nathans sports. I loved seeing Nathan and his friends play. They played intramural football, basketball, softball and on as many city leagues they could. They were really good and it was fun to see them win 4 championships. I'll miss that, a lot.

This is were they played both flag football and softball.

This is the house that we would walk past every time e went to Manito Park. We loved this house and would dream of owning a house like this one some day.

The hotel where I worked. I loved working at Spa Paradiso. it was a great job.

Manito Park. We would come here often and have picnics and walk around. It was such a beautiful park. Spokane had a lot of great parks.

The Japanese gardens in Manito park.

The Spokane Temple. It was such a blessing to work here. It was such a wonderful experience. Our ward and all of our friends there I will miss too. We had such a great ward and I miss all my YW.

Downtown Spokane. The Spokane river ran through Downtown. We loved walking around here because there was also a park and trail that ran though downtown too.


  1. Polly, all of those pictures kinda brought tears to my eyes. We are really going to miss ALL of those things, but mostly everyONE! Thanks for posting that. Hope all is going well for you guys. Keep the blog updated so we can keep up on each other's lives. Love ya lots, Heather

  2. We are so sad you guys are gone but what an adventure you have in front of you! My husband was on your blog before me and called me down to the computer room to see it! Did you know that home you love so much across from Manito Park is the home where Ryan's Boss lives! We love that home as well! It is so pretty inside and the back yard is amazing! Small world huh!

  3. Gosh we are doing the same thing....check out my blog. That seems like such a great time for you. Off for both of us to be around the our own kind... Navajos. :)

  4. spokane looked like such a great fit for you guys! but exciting you'll be close to your family now. where are you guys working now? any az road trips planned? i need to get in touch with you...i've been doing gluten/sugar-free lately and am going crazy! need tips, recipes, etc on how to make it a comfortable lifestyle and not quite as boring :)
